Participant Webinars
Webinar | December 10, 2023
The patient webinar for our North American Prodromal Synucleinopathy (NAPS) consortium study on December 10, 2023.
Featuring: NAPS Co-Investigators, Dr. Alon Avidan, Director of UCLA’s Sleep Disorders Center, Dr. Aleksandar Videnovic, Director, Division of Sleep Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Dr. Michael Howell, Professor and the Division Head of Sleep Medicine in the Department of Neurology at University of Minnesota.
Special guest: Dr. Alex Iranzo from Hospital Clinic de Barcelona discusses RBD in visual arts.
Webinar | June 22, 2023
The patient webinar for our North American Prodromal Synucleinopathy (NAPS) consortium study on June 22, 2023.
Part 1 | Opening Remarks (Aleksandar Videnovic)
Part 3 | How To Get More Involved (Brad Boeve)
June 2023, Part 5 | Overview of NAPS RBD Registry (Alon Avidan)
Part 2 | Overview of NAPS Consortium (Yo-El Ju)
Part 4 | Highlights of NAPS accomplishments (Ron Postuma)
Part 6 | A Participant’s Perspective (Ray Merrell)
Webinar | April 9, 2021
The patient webinar for our North American Prodromal Synucleinopathy (NAPS) consortium study on April 9, 2021.