In an effort to support investigators in the field of RBD and prodromal synucleinopathies, NAPS2 is recruiting healthy male and female volunteers (aged 50+) to participate in a research study.
You may be eligible to participate if:
You do not have a history of acting out dreams at night that would suggest RBD
You do not have a diagnosis of any of the following: Parkinson’s disease or other types of parkinsonism, multiple system atrophy, dementia, or mild cognitive impairment
You are not a blood relative of a study participant that has RBD
In an effort to support new investigators in the field of RBD and prodromal synucleinopathies, NAPS2 has implemented a mentorship program for junior investigators.
NAPS2 Mentorship Program is a research program designed to aid the career development of promising early career researchers in RBD and prodromal synucleinopathies by providing:
Access to NAPS2 data, biological samples, and infrastructure
Support for futures research projects
Opportunities to network with senior investigators in this field of research
Feasibility Questionnaire
The North American Prodromal Synucleinopathy Consortium is conducting a site feasibility assessment and would like to obtain information about your interest in conducting a REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD) study.
Data Request
The form is designed to facilitate the sharing of data and biospecimens among researchers while ensuring compliance with ethical standards and regulations.
Data Sharing Poilicy
The goals of the project can be best achieved through collaborative and open access to data and biospecimens, while respecting the intellectual contributions of principal- and co-investigators. This document presents the policy for access to data, access to biospecimens, and publications.