About NAPS
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a sleep disorder in which people move and talk during their dreaming sleep. Many people with RBD develop another neurological disorder, usually Parkinson’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, or multiple system atrophy—collectively termed synucleinopathies. Currently, there are no treatments to slow or prevent these neurodegenerative disorders; however, there are some promising treatments on the near horizon.
The goals of the North American Prodromal Synucleinopathy (NAPS) Consortium include preparing for clinical trials by enrolling individuals with RBD, developing biomarkers of synucleinopathies, and leading scientific research on RBD. To prepare for a clinical trial, we are enrolling people with RBD in a registry, performing a standardized set of measurements about neurological functioning, and obtaining blood samples and other biomedical information.
Ultimately, we hope to enroll our registry participants in a clinical trial for preventive treatments against synucleinopathies. Under certain circumstances, taking part in the NAPS study may initially require you to undergo clinical sleep study, also known as a polysomnogram, at a NAPS site to confirm the diagnosis of RBD. The study coordinator will let you know what may be required in your individual case. In such cases, your health insurance may be billed for that procedure.
NAPS Study Sites
The NAPS Study is enrolling people with RBD at 9 sites across North America. NAPS Study participants must have idiopathic RBD, meaning that the RBD is not due to any known cause (such as narcolepsy or another neurological disorder).
Participation in the NAPS Study will involve the following:
Your participation in the study will involve a visit similar to a doctor’s visit, except longer. The estimated duration of the visit is 2 hours.
You will provide information about your medical history, and you will have a physical exam.
If you have a bed partner (someone who sleeps in the same bed as you) or live with someone, we prefer for that person to come to the visit as well to provide additional information.
You will fill out questionnaires about your medical and sleep history.
You will have testing of your memory, thinking, movements, and other neurological functions.
You will have a blood draw.
Other optional tests and procedures will be discussed if you enroll in the study.
You will be compensated for your time and effort.
How to Enroll in the NAPS Study
You will need to select a NAPS Study Site to discuss enrollment. Please see the Team page for contact information for each site.
Even if you live far from a NAPS Site but you are interested in participating, please contact us. If study requirements are met, we may be able to support travel to a research site.