'Night terrors' often misdiagnosed

By ABC7 Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES "Night terrors are a specific type of /*parasomnia*/ that occurs during the lighter stages of sleep," said Dr. Alon Avidan, neurologist, /*UCLA Sleep Disorders Center*/. "The patient wakes up in a state of terror and they appear to be very aggressive."

Dr. Alon Avidan is a neurologist at UCLA who specializes in sleep disorders, and he's seen it all.

"Walk through windows, broken glass, start driving while they're asleep," said Dr. Avidan.

"Terrifying, just terrifying," said John Chadwick, who experienced sleep problems.

John Chadwick is one of Dr. Avidan's success stories. Chadwick spent 10 years afraid to go to sleep.

"I did go through a ground-floor window, complete with screen," said Chadwick. "I even smashed the television."


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